Articles for the Issue –

1959 Volume 10 Issue 6
Articles in this Issue
THIS IS A REMARKABLE CHAPTER, giving as it does an account of Elijah’s translation and the rather curious incidents leading up to that event. Things worked out differently for Elijah from what he origin…
THE ABOVE QUESTION is by no means uncommon; sometimes it is prompted by world weariness, a general disgust of everything, and a longing for better things, but more often than not it arises from a false …
Subject – THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE. The FifthWonderful Saying. Study Portion – Chapter 11. 1-46. OUTLINE In a previous article we considered the Wonderful Sign of the Raising of Lazarus; we now t…
As indicated in our last issue, we now include the second half of the article on THE BURNT OFFERING.We trust you will re-read the first part to gain full benefit from the article.2. THE CONTINUAL BURNT …
Readings: 1 Tim. 3; Titus 1GOD‘S GOVERNMENTGOVERNMENT IS ESSENTIAL and is provided for in all walks of life, national, business and in the home. It is one proof of the reality of God who governs the uni…
FOR THE SAKE OF NEW READERS it may be well to explain that in the earlier articles in this series we have considered the problems which face young people as a wider experience confronts them with many d…

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