Articles for the Issue –

1959 Volume 10 Issue 4
Articles in this Issue
WE HAVE SEEN THAT THERE IS A GATHERING unto Him connected with His death, a gathering unto Him arising from His resurrection, a gathering unto Him associated with His Name, and finally there is a gather…
Readers will be interested to learn that a fund has been established to purchase and furnish a home in the Romford, Essex, area for the use of missionaries home on furlough.Further information can be ob…
‘Neither will I offer burnt offerings unto the Lord my God of that which doth cost me nothing, 2 Sam. 24. 24.‘Know ye not that…ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God …
It is recognized that these ‘Notes’ are far from exhaustive. They are suggestive only and it is fervently hoped that many will be stimulated to further study of this much neglected yet immensely profita…
THE FINALITY OF SCRIPTUREIN 2 TIMOTHY 3. 16, 17, the apostle Paul declares that the Scriptures are God-breathed, and are ‘profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteo…
Subject – THELIGHT OF THEWORLD. The Second Wonderful Saying. Study Portion – Chapter 8. 12-59. OUTLINE Trace three vital principles through John’s Gospel – LIFE, LIGHT and LOVE. In our last study the Lo…
MANY OF US MAY FEEL VERY INCOMPETENT to enter into controversy on the delicate subject of Church truth, a matter which occupies a good deal of the apostolic writings. It is really a great blessing that …
OUR SERVICEGOD‘S PURPOSE is that every one of us shall be like Christ and this process begins down here. Our progress depends on our devotion to and service for our risen Lord, Rom. 8. 29; Phil. 3. 8-10…
THERE ARE THREE TERMS frequently used in the preaching of the Gospel which, although they do not occur in Scripture, are nevertheless put forth as though they had all the authority of Scripture behind t…

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