Articles for the Issue –

1959 Volume 10 Issue 3
Articles in this Issue
JOHN HAS JUSTLY BEEN DESCRIBED as the apostle of love. Five times in his Gospel he shelters behind that delightful anonymity ‘that disciple whom Jesus loved’. John first learned that lesson when reclini…
WE HAVE SEEN SOME OF THE PURPOSES of God for the Church in the present and we are now to consider some of the glories which await her at the consummation of the Father’s counsels for His Son. It would b…
A house in Bristol has been vested in a Trust of fourteen responsible brethren from local assemblies, with a view to providing a home for about eight aged people. Christians interested in such a worthy …
If we have rightly apprehended that which we have already considered, namely, the implications of our Lord’s death and resurrection, we shall have little difficulty in un-derstanding the truth connected…
Subject -THEBREADOF LIFE.TheFirstWonderful Saying. Study Portion – Chapter 6. OUTLINE THE CONTEXT, VV. 1-34. a. Multitude and Miracle – vv. 1-26. With five barley loaves and two small fishes, from the h…
THIS IS A PHRASE which many associate only with the Holy Spirit guiding believers as to what part they may take at the Lord’s Supper, in a prayer meeting, or at an ‘open conference’, as though these wer…
PREVIOUS ARTICLES IN THIS SERIES have attempted to summarize the perplexities which young people are likely to feel in face of the variety of views held by Christians with whom a widening experience bri…

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