Articles for the Issue –

1957 Volume 8 Issue 5
Articles in this Issue
IN the story of Creation we read that the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. The voice of God was heard amidst the darkness and chaos, saying, Let there be light, and light was. Out of the…
WHEN some assembly dwindles pessimists regard It as evidence of a general tendency, forgetting that it is a mistake to base generalisms on a particular case. Not only is it a fact that quite a number of…
THE BELIEVER‘S ADOPTION AS A SON (Verses 4-11)Verse 1. Paul develops the thought of “ heirs according to promise." 3. 29. As long as the heir is a. minor, one needing a pedagogue, 3. 24, he is like a sl…
HAVING considered some of the instructions and exhortations given in this Epistle, we now turn to itsENCOURAGEMENTSWhen our lives are in agreement with the purpose of God in our salvation, we make our c…
PETER‘S exhortation to his readers to be ready to give an answer to every man who asked them for a reason of the hope which was in them (1 Pet. 3. 15) may he given many applications, and we are surely j…
Our purpose In this and subsequent articles under the above heading, is to reach those younger in the faith with a message that will encourage them to determine with true purpose of heart that the passi…
WHY is it that some assemblies today are weak, living far below their potential and presenting a sad travesty of the holy, beautiful, and spiritually powerful companies God intended them to be ? Is it d…

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