Articles for the Issue –

1957 Volume 8 Issue 4
Articles in this Issue
THROUGH the mercy of God we are now setting out on the New Year: when we shall be faced with new problems and new joys; when God will teach us new lessons, if we arc prepared to learn of Him ;when He is…
ON 3rd November a new hall was opened in a housing estate at Canley, near Coventry, when about 200 friends from neighbouring assemblies enjoyed apt messages from J. W. Laing and H. Bell. The next day 49…
MOST readers will know what the words in our title mean: centripetal, towards the Centre; centri¬fugal, away from the Centre. In matters spiritual and ecclesiastical Centripetalism is the divine order, …
JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH ALONE (Verses 1-14) Verse 1. Paul, reckoning that their defection was due to lack of thought, asks who had misled them by plausible arguments. The suffering of Jesus Christ, cruci…
WE have considered some of the seasonable instructions and exhortations in this Epistle ; we now turn to itsCALL FOR MORAL SAFEGUARDS (1. vv. 1-7)” In your faith supply (super add) virtue.” The same wor…
THE Bible is in many respects unlike all other books. Men who write books are supposed to understand what they write, but the “ Spirit of Christ “ who was in the old-time prophets caused them to write t…

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