Articles for the Issue –

1956 Volume 8 Issue 3
Articles in this Issue
It is quite a common thing to say that such and such a Christian is ‘in fellowship’. The thought is that they belong to a certain assembly of saints, and are ‘breaking bread’ with them. But is this all …
By the late EPHRAIM VENN (PART TWO)(EDITOR‘S NOTE. The Reader’s attention is drawn to the first section in the previous Issue, which deals with the contrasts between Peter’s First and Second Epistles. A…
Among the many Interesting and profitable lessons lo he learnt from Paul’s shipwreck on the shore of Malta (Melita, Acts 28) we may consider the following :THE SOVEREIGNTY OF GODTwo hundred and seventy-…
(Urging the serious re-examination of the responsibilities of those who take the lead among the people of God),IN apostolic times the spiritual care of God’s people was taken as a very serious business …
OUR subject for this paper is one of the greatest solem¬nity. It is the consideration of the final judgment as recorded in Rev. 20. 11-15. We shall consider first of all the throne and its Occupant, we …
IT is to be feared that in these ever busy days the study of the Scriptures is being neglected by young believers. Yet we are enjoined to “ search the scriptures “ (John 5. 39), to “ Give attention to (…

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