Articles for the Issue –

1955 Volume 7 Issue 5
Articles in this Issue
WHAT FELLOWSHIP IS Are There is a certain confederation or “ circle “ of assemblies with clearly-defined limits, and, in the language of a periodical circulating amongst the believers in those assemblie…
Does it not often happen at our public preaching’s that when the formal address is delivered, a hymn sung, and a word of prayer offered, all disperse, without any attempt at individual work? I speak not…
Love is the solution of all such difficulties as those at Corinth. In the 1st Epistle to Corinthians we can trace (A) A Twelve-fold Might of Love If love ruled, there would be: (1) No division (as in…
THE TERM “redemption “ occurs both in the Old and New-Testaments. and the idea of purchase with a view to freedom was well-known to the Hebrew of the Old Testament and the Greek and Roman of the New. RE…
A. DEVELOPMENT The development of the true Church is from two directions: (I) External; (2) Internal. External, by the work of Evangelism. This is growth towards completion (finality) and is described i…
In view of the necessary curtailment of our last paper, we will first of all pick up the threads. It will be remembered that we were going to look at three important features relating to the climax of w…
IN the New Testament, explicit teaching concerning the Priesthood and the Priestly work of the Lord Jesus Christ is confined to the Epistle to the Hebrews, and to an example of His functioning as such i…

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