Articles for the Issue –

1955 Volume 7 Issue 4
Articles in this Issue
Church Finance INTRODUCTION. The question of finance, which often presents such problems to the churches of Christendom, is really simple if the scriptural pattern be followed.Nowhere in the N.T. is th…
No Christian is greater than his prayer life. The people who are not praying are playing. If the Elders are not praying, the sheep are straying. The platform can be a shop window to display one’s talent…
Probably the most fruitful field in India, from the point of view of gospel work, at the present time, is the Telugu area. Over the whole of that vast area, souls are being saved in large numbers, and m…
"But, Monty, we have asked twice for the room and they have refused it, what is the use of asking again ?” Two young men, who had been demobbed after the first world war, were discussing the possibility…
Peter’s Humility yet Authority. ” Simon Peter, a bondslave and an apostle of Jesus Christ.” In this way he introduces himself to his readers. This brief statement reveals the humility and authority of o…
The Apostle Paul writing to the saints at Ephesus and to the faithful in Christ Jesus, reminds them that they have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ. Such a position…
IN our last paper we noted the intensification of the judgments of God upon a blaspheming world. The closing scene of this terrible period of world history is to be enacted in a place known in our Engli…
In these days of strain and stress it is more than ever important that we should all have a clear grasp of the significance and relevance of the subject of personality, which has such an important beari…
WE are too conscious of shortcomings to become complacent over the reception which “ Precious Seed “ continues to receive – rather we are thankful to God for His help in a task to which we can give but …
There is a zeal which is good, and which renders the soul highly acceptable to God. This is a zeal which is a celestial lire the true temper and heat of all the affections to God and Christ. It is a zea…
Book Reviews in this Issue
“The Lord’s Supper,” by J. M. Davies. (J. M. Davies, Nellikunnu, Trichur, T.C.S., S. India.9d., postage extra.) This is a well-written booklet on a familiar but important Subject. In dealing with this…

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