Articles for the Issue –

1954 Volume 6 Issue 6
Articles in this Issue
EVANGELISM is of the utmost importance. Men must be won for Christ, and God, in His infinite wisdom, has given great encouragement to do this work in 2 Cor. 10. 4-6. By examining this passage, sentence …
In the first portion of this article the writer demonstrated by careful exam-ination of John’s 3rd Epistle how sad division In the church arose even In the days of the Apostle John. He proceeds to show …
Although we gladly recognize that, there is a great deal of earnest gospel work undertaken by many agencies, we have always thought it right to devote the Reports Section of “ Precious Seed “ to the act…
The Spirit of God does not surrender His headshipin the church in intrusting to human hands any department of its affairs. Not only so, but all those so entrusted must be capable of co-operation with Hi…
The Ordinances–(B) The Lord’s Supper {continued) CELEBRATION. Keynote–SIMPLICITY According to the Scriptural pattern–Departure seen in Christendom, grievous errors and ritualistic practices having obscu…
It has been said that “ the glory of our Christianity is that it never views life as being complete in this world. It always has its eyes lifted to the morning, and gazes out upon the eternities, recogn…
In the first portion of this article the writer demonstrated by careful exam-ination of John’s 3rd Epistle how sad division In the church arose even In the days of the Apostle John. He proceeds to show …

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