Articles for the Issue –

1954 Volume 6 Issue 3
Articles in this Issue
(5) A BODY THE human body is a wonderful unity, not merely because of the physical connection of its parts, but by the presence in all parts of One Pervading Life. This may be less obvious in relation t…
What God wants in those whom He will put in trust with the gospel, is not that they shall be polished and educated gentlemen, much less that they shall be coarse and ignorant boors; not that they shall …
The subject before us has two aspects like that of Priesthood, viz., (Godward and Manward. The Apostle Peter refers to the one as “spiritual sacrifices” and the other as the “shewing forth of the virtue…
THE tendency of all sects has always been to consolidate themselves on the principle of confederation. Each sect as it extended sought the amalgamation with it of all who adopted the same views or princ…
In the Epistle to the Hebrews the writer tells us that God spoke to the fathers in the prophets. (Note ‘ in,’ and not ‘ by ‘ – Thomas Aquinas wrote, “… because the prophets did not them­selves speak fro…
Preliminary. The stability of a building depends upon the reliability of its foundation, and we may well ask upon what founda-tion does the whole structure and fabric of the Christian faith depend. Mark…
Be not now negligent: for the Lord hath chosen you to stand before Him, to serve Him.2 Chron. 29. 11. I have put My words in thy mouth, and X have covered thee in the shadow of Mine hand.Isa. 51. 1 He t…
It seems desirable to add to the previous lesson some further explanation on the subject of the local church’s relationships:– 1. To the Lord. Basic thought–Subjection. Analogies (Lesson 1) bring out va…
Chapter 3. Introductory Note There had already been exhortations given in the earlier part of the Epistle to various members of the assemblies, and almost entirely in connection with their life as belie…

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