Articles for the Issue –

1953 Volume 5 Issue 4
Articles in this Issue
“The memory of the just is blessed.” Men who have long lived among us, prayed with us in our homes, counselled us in our difficulties, opened the Word of God to us, and preached the gospel in our midst,…
As we enter upon another New Year in this troubled world we cannot but be profoundly thankful that, amid all the shifting sands, the Christian has a solid rock upon which he can rest with confidence. We…
During recent months we have increased the number of our Correspondents in order to keep in touch with work in the widest possible field. We greatly appreciate their help, for without it we should have …
End-of-the-Age Evils (Contd.) Verse 4 traitors, - those who are treacherous in their dealings with others. The reference is not confined to the betrayal of fellow-believers in days of persecution. heads…
With the lamp of prophecy in our hands, this ‘murky’ world is seen to have dark shadows cast by coming events. The last days are to be times of apostasy from the truth of God, and the “itching ears” of …

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