Articles for the Issue –

1952 Volume 4 Issue 8
Articles in this Issue
“THE BIBLE A BOOK FOR TODAY” By Lieut.-General Sir William Dobbie, G.C.M.G., K.C.B. D.S.O. As Acting Governor and gallant defender of Malta during the Second World War, Sir William Dobbie was described …
Various positions in life call for specific qualifications, and a prospective applicant is usually able, and eager, to ascertain what these are, by a careful study of the conditions attaching to the app…
PROGRESS IN LIGHT — God is Light, ch. 1. 5 — ch. 2. 29. Displayed (ch. 1. 5 — ch. 2. 11) ch. 1. 4. Fulness of Joy 7. Fellowship of Love 9. Forgiveness of Sins ch. 2. 4, 5. Fidelity in Truth 9-11. Folly …
On June 7th, 1931, fifteen brethren and sisters gathered to ‘remember the Lord’ in a private house in Aldershot. They had been meeting for mid-week Bible study in the house where Mr. and Mrs. G. Hall th…
As summer approaches, many Christians will be preparing for outdoor gospel work and we hope we shall have encouraging reports to publish. Perhaps fruit will be gathered as a result of patient sowing dur…
“To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory (Colossians 1. 27). In verses 24 to 27 of this first chapter …
Faithfulness enjoined in view of (a) the calling (vv. 6-14) Verse 6. For the which cause — i.e., because of Timothy’s unfeigned faith. I put thee in remembrance — a reminder, not merely in recognition o…
Like a wireless set that suddenly comes to its correct tuning-point, or the telescope of the astronomer to its correct focus, how clearly does God speak to us sometimes, as we read the Old Testament Scr…

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