Articles for the Issue –

1952 Volume 4 Issue 6
Articles in this Issue
Verses 17-19 are not byway of an appendix to the Epistle. The nature of God had just been declared, followed by an “Amen.” But the Apostle’s object throughout the Epistle is the responsibility of a loca…
Gen. 46. 1-4 (Jacob); Ex. 3. 10-12 (Moses) Here are two men- both at the parting of the ways, – both at the end of a chapter in their experience, both conscious that a new year was in front of them and …
The gospel is God’s first1 and last message to men.3 It was given in Promise,3 Psalm/ and Prophecy.5 Such was His message to Abram and to David. To Christ, give all the prophets witness.6 Then John the …

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