Articles for the Issue –

1951 Volume 3 Issue 8
Articles in this Issue
Introductory Note to Chapter 4 The third chapter states the doctrine of the faith; the fourth speaks of the departure from it, under the instigation of evil spirits acting through human agents (vv. 1-5)…
It was in the year 1941 that I was called for service in the Royal Navy. That proved to be the great turning-point in my life and carter. For a young man of nineteen, brought up in a comfortable home in…
In the first century of the Christian era the Macedonian believers, who were numbered among the poor of this world yet were rich in faith, yielded themselves entirely to the Lord. They demonstrated the …
“Throw down a penny, George.” The little native boy, his chocolate-colon red skin shining in the sun, paddled hit; home-made canoe around the huge British troopship which lay at anchor in the harbour at…
“They declared all things that God had done with them.” Acts 15.4 Because of the Christmas holiday our copy had to be prepared rather earlier than usual and this may account for the fact that we have re…
The Final Phase. We are not told of any repentance on Jehoshaphat’s part for his sin with Ahab. So valued by the Lord is the tender plant of repentance and contrition that, had it developed, it is likel…
It is quite a common thing to say that such and such a Christian is “in fellowship.” The thought is that they belong to a certain assembly of saints, and are “breaking bread” with them. But is this all …
With this number Precious Seed enters upon its sixth year of service, and we cannot let the occasion pass without recording our thankfulness to the; Lord for the way in which He has allowed His blessing…

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