Articles for the Issue –

1950 Volume 3 Issue 7
Articles in this Issue
Constant in Growth ch. 7. 7, 8 “This thy stature is like to a palm tree … to clusters of grapes … the smell of thy breath like apples (citrons).” The Bridegroom sees in her the beauties and the fruitful…
You all know how that proverb ends, and many of you will be using that proof again very shortly, “in the eating" of your Christmas puddings! Of course yours will be a good pudding: mother is a good cook…
Verse 14. These things write I unto thee, hoping to come unto thee shortly; – This introduces us to the special object of the instructions given to Timothy concerning the assembly at Ephesus; at the sam…
(Note. We think we have found a helper for Mr. Lawson, and we hope that his first message for you will appear in the next issue. Your thoughts will soon be turning to Christmas – if they have not been t…
We have often received reports which did not quite relate to gospel work, and as a genwa.1 rule we have not thought it appropriate to publish them. We feel, however, that many of these reports of assemb…
JEHOSHAPHAT The Epochs of His Reign, The 25 years of Jehoshaphat’s reign divide naturally into five periods. In them different influences produced very different results. During the first, devotion to t…
To those of us who through the years have spent much time in the harvest-field, the Lord’s use of the title “The Lord of the Harvest” suggests a striking conception of God’s great interest in the work o…
False Peacemakers Chapters 22 and 23 of Luke are filled with ideas of peace and provision. The priests pose as peacemakers by accusing Christ of disturbing and exciting the people, and demand His execut…

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