Articles for the Issue –

1949 Volume 2 Issue 4
Articles in this Issue
We continue to draw attention to the Historical Rooks because we believe that the neglect of their significant lessons helps to explain why so many seem unable to discern the import of present day trend…
Our assembly has a proud history! But is it still vigorous? Yes! Patient too? Yes! And sound in the truth? Yes! Yet it may be a fallen assembly and in urgent need of repentance. Ephesus is unique among …
It is to be feared that much passes for the leading of the Spirit which is really only the promptings of natural feeling. A valuable article in the previous issue is followed by another which further he…
The messages which the Lord sends to the seven assemblies as recorded in Revelation, chapters 2 and 3, show His Personal relation to each assembly and the importance in His sight of the maintenance of a…
Features of Eden’s earthly paradise reappear in the holy-city, new Jerusalem, come down out of heaven from God. The source of fertility in Eden’s garden, the nourishment of every tree “pleasant to the s…
A thing is often thrown into relief if it is placed in juxtaposition with its opposite. This is a method very frequently adopted in Scripture. Joshua chs. 6 and 7 constitute a case in point. In Chapter …

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