Articles for the Issue –

1948 Volume 2 Issue 1
Articles in this Issue
Grey hairs here and there! Few, in middle life at any rate, have not been made aware of their presence. The tell-tale mirror, or an observant but perhaps not altogether tactful friend – these serve to a…
Students are constantly being given to understand that no well informed person can believe that Moses wrote the Pentateuch. In a previous article the Head of the Department of Biblical History and Liter…
In dealing with this great subject the principal aim is to throw out practical suggestions which are intended to exercise the hearts and consciences of God’s people, so that we may all betake ourselves …
A previous article has pointed out that redemption is far reaching in its effects and surpasses man’s limited view of the Cross. The reader is now invited to look further into this suggestion. First. We…
We now pass on to the letter to Sardis where we have a brief but very important portrait of the Lord Jesus. “He who has the seven Spirits of God” is no contradiction to the Truth of the One Spirit in th…
An aged Christian suggests that believers who wish to be vessels unto honour, sanctified and meet for the Master’s use, might profitably ask themselves these questions: – 1. Is it a great joy to be at t…
Our last article was devoted to three outstanding servitudes, under Midian, meaning “strife” (c. 6). Then under Ammon who sprang from “Ben-Ammi,” son of Lot, begotten in shame with a shameful history. H…
There are evidences that here and there God is raising up young men who are manifesting qualifications for the deeply responsible work of the spiritual care of assemblies. This calls for thankfulness, f…
(4) THE PREACHING OF PETER (Acts 2). Helpful lessons are to be gleaned by considering the message preached by Peter on the Day of Pentecost. We are chiefly impressed by his familiarity with the sacred w…
In presenting the Person of the Lord to the Church at Thyatira the Spirit for the first and only time in these letters gives us the name of the One Who speaks The Son of God.” It would appear that this …

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