Articles for the Issue –

1947 Volume 1 Issue 12
Articles in this Issue
Unconverted reader! We have felt constrained to include a message for YOU. GEN. 28. 10-13, 15. In the lives of men and women there are certain days that stand out as “red letter days,” “days of crises,”…
Is there a hidden leaven at work in Christendom today? If so, it behoves us to be alive to its influences. Read this article in conjunction with the one in our previous issue. IF the character of leaven…
Spirtual gifts are for spiritual saints. Chapter 12 of the 1st Epistle to the church at Corinth opens with the significant word “NOW.” The beloved apostle is about to describe the working out of the gif…
Question How is it that many of the laws in the O.T. appear to be quite cruel and they seem to indicate that the God of the Old Testament is not the Lord Jesus of the New? Did God actually give Moses th…
Question If believers go to be with Christ immediately at death how can they be raised to meet Him in the air at His coming? Answer It is important ever to gird up the loins of our minds and to be sober…
Question What was the matter over which Satan disputed with Michael in respect of the body of Moses? Can you throw any light on this? Answer Jude 9, like many another passage, has drawn from the pens of…
Question Will the sins of the believer prior to conversion be brought up at the judgment seat of Christ? Answer If the fact of the forgiveness of sins is properly understood this question will be readil…
Question If believers go to be with Christ immediately at death how can they be raised to meet Him in the air at His coming? Answer It is important ever to gird up the loins of our minds and to be sober…
An interesting approach to the study of another familiar but little understood theme. There are two books in the Old Testament which vividly set forth typically the Bible doctrine of Redemption. One is …
At the beginning of the fourth chapter of Ephesians believers are exhorted to walk “worthily of the calling” wherewith they were called, a walk to be characterised by “all lowliness and meekness with lo…
In Proverbs 8. 30 Wisdom is referred to as “a master-workman” (R.V.); or “his artificer” (J.N.D.’s note). He who built all things in the material creation is at present engaged on another structure of a…

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