Articles for the Issue –

1984 Volume 35 Issue 2
Articles in this Issue
The first city mentioned in the Scriptures was that built by Cain, and named after his son Enoch, Gen. 4. 17. His great, great, great grandson Lamech was a man as undisciplined and violent as Cain himse…
In the preceding article we saw how that archaeological discoveries have gone a long way to corroborate the versions of Cyrus’ decree recorded in the book of Ezra. We noted in particular that the decree…
“They continued stedfastly”, Acts 2. 42. In this report it is good to tell of many campaigns and special gospel efforts throughout the country. This reflects exercise on the part of local churches to re…
The Compxny to which I belong is fxirly lxrge; there xre twenty-six of us letters in xll. Hxving thought xbout it xt length, I hxve come to the conclusion thxt xny contribution which I could mxke to our…
In the first article it was seen how believers are to respond to trials. We shall now proceed to examine the source of evil and the best way to deal with it. For convenience, therefore, we shall analyse…
This psalm was born on a clear night. David had gazed up into the darkness, and had seen the moon and the stars shining like jewels. Nighttime brings its own vision. You can see most in the heavens when…
That believers are called upon to function as priests is clearly stated in the New Testament. Peter writes categorically, “ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood”, 1 Pet. 2. 9, and the song of t…
Only three kings ruled over the whole of the twelve tribes of Israel: Saul, David and Solomon. They ruled for a total of 120 years, and then in Rehoboam’s reign the kingdom was divided into two: Israel,…
As well as being head of the Biology Department of a large comprehensive school in Cardiff, Mr. Brind also acts as Health Education Coordinator for the school. One of the practical issues which face you…

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