This verse is taken from:
Psalm 4
Thought of the day for:
23 March 2023

Verses 6 and 8 of this psalm are very similar to verses 2 and 5 of Psalm 3. This leads to the view that both psalms were written about the same time, namely during Absalom’s rebellion (see the title of Psalm 3). That unhappy episode in the life of David is recorded in 2 Samuel 15-18. Whether the psalm belongs to that period or not, it is applicable to the psalmist’s circumstances at the time.

The question asked, “Who will show us any good?”, reflects the outlook of men who walked by sight and not by faith. Their happiness lay in the possession of earthly things. Those who raised the question may have been the companions of David in distress. Let us guard against lack of faith.

In contrast, David was enlarged by distress, v. 1. He had a gladness which exceeded that of those who reaped a good harvest, v. 7; cf. Hab. 3. 17-19.

Absalom “stole the hearts of the men of Israel” he also offered sacrifices, either in pretence or as an appeal to God to bless the revolt, 2 Sam. 15. 6-12. Let us beware of following men and of asking God to bless what is not right.

David made his appeal to God on the ground of righteousness, and admonished the people that the sacrifices of righteousness were the only ones acceptable to God, vv. 1, 5.

Absalom’s beauty attracted a following, 2 Sam. 14. 25. His hair, however, was his downfall. “Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain”, Prov. 31. 30. He was praised for his beauty, but not for fear of the Lord. With David, the countenance of God was more to be desired. “Absalom” means “father of peace”, but he instigated revolution, not peace. David, for his part, knew an inward peace, v. 8.

David’s response to the unbelief of some was to look to heaven, and claim the blessing that Aaron was instructed to pronounce upon Israel, v. 6; cf. Num. 6. 24-26. That he was able both to lie down and sleep, despite the danger that he was in, reflected a peace and sense of safety, showing that he was in the good of the blessing he sought.

Jesus fell asleep in the boat, in the midst of a tempest. He was at peace; there was no tempest in His soul.

“He said unto them, Where is your faith?”, Luke 8. 25.


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