This verse is taken from:
Psalm 89
Thought of the day for:
12 August 2023

Yesterday we discovered that one characteristic of divine reliability is its uniqueness, v. 8. What God says, He does! And faith is the simple but life-changing assent to this precious truth, as we are persuaded, like Abraham, that what He has promised He is able also to perform, Rom. 4. 21. But the Christian soon begins to appreciate that God is incomparable in all His ways. “Who in the heavens can be compared unto the Lord?”, Psa. 89. 6. In order to aid our limited understanding, God graciously provides illustrations in His Word (He has an eagle’s strength, Exod. 19. 4; a mother’s love, Isa. 49. 15; a shepherd’s care, Psa. 23. 1), but He Himself is far beyond all such comparisons. What, then, does Psalm 89 teach about divine uniqueness?

First, God is unique in His power, vv. 9-14, for He is the Creator. Each time we look at the universe around us, we should be struck by its immensity, its complexity, and its unfailing testimony to the One who made it, Psa. 19. 1. If creation honours Him, should not we, who have been redeemed by blood?

Second, God is unique in His purposes, vv. 27-29. The nations of this world plan their strategies, and individual men struggle to fulfil their petty ambitions, Psa. 2. 1, 2, but God’s purposes alone will prevail. Notice the emphatic “I will” of verses 23, 25, 27, 28, 29. God’s covenant with David and the nation of Israel is irrevocable, for human failing brings not rejection but discipline, vv. 30-37. And God is as unyielding in His purposes for believers today—see the thrilling summary in Romans 8. 28-30. Even His chastening hand is a proof of fatherly love. As J. G. Bellett wrote, “Let every tried believer know that discipline is not forgetfulness but remembrance”.

Finally, our God is unique in His possessions, v. 11. Count the possessive pronouns relating to God in the psalm. It starts with “thy faithfulness” and continues in celebration of God’s mercy, wonders, name, throne, righteousness, holiness, covenant, commandments, servants. Ponder each one, and praise! All these belong to God—and so do we, 1 Cor. 3. 22, 23.

“The only true God”, John 17. 3.


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