This verse is taken from:
Luke 14. 25-33
Thought of the day for:
22 August 2024

The object of the ministry of the Lord Jesus was not to become popular with the huge crowds that followed Him. He was look­ing for true disciples. And so He lays down conditions for discipleship. Three times He says that unless a follower meets certain conditions, he ‘cannot be my disciple’. In verse 26, He demands undivided love. Unless a follower loves the Lord more than his family and his own life he ‘cannot be my disciple’. In verse 27, He demands that a follower bears his own cross. A man bearing a cross was as good as dead. He was carrying his death sentence. He had no ambitions for himself, no further interest in the world around him. All that was on his mind was the cross he was bearing and the death he would die. Unless a follower reck­ons himself dead to the world and the flesh, and follows the Master, he ‘cannot be my disciple’. Then again, in verse 33, He demands that unless a follower forsakes everything he possesses, he ‘cannot be my disciple’.

Not easy is it? This thins out the crowds! Notice that the Sav­iour is not challenging the crowds, but calling to individuals in the crowd. He calls in terms of Any man … which of you?’

Discipleship is a costly thing, and to emphasize this the Lord tells two parables. In the first, the disciple is in a building project, and, in the second, on a battlefield. The builder sits down and considers his plans. He, ‘counteth the cost’. Does he have sufficient funds to complete the project? The king con­siders going to war. He assesses his enemy’s military strength. He then looks at the size of his own army and makes a deci­sion, to fight, or make peace.

Are we surprised when our Christian life becomes a battle and we have great difficulty in building anything for God? Per­haps it is because we have never counted the cost. To give the Lord our undivided love, to take up our cross and follow Him is a blessed experience. But there are battles to be fought. There is building to be done. Victory is assured as we stay close to the Master we are following. May we avail ourselves of ‘the whole armour of God’, and prove Him on the battlefield of life.


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