This verse is taken from:
Psalm 89
Thought of the day for:
11 August 2023

The absolute trustworthiness of God is an insistent theme of Scripture. Along with the equally precious attribute of loving-kindness, God’s faithfulness is the recurring idea in Psalm 89. Seven times we are reminded that the God to whom we belong is reliable. Men may fail, the universe itself (in the sovereign will of God) may change, but “thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end”, Psa. 102. 27. Let us ponder on this celebration of divine faithfulness.

First, it is the subject of the believer’s testimony, v. 1; every child of God is a living tribute to the Lord’s reliability, being a recipient of His salvation, His preservation, and His tender care, 1 Cor. 1. 9. Do our mouths bear witness to this? Second, divine faithfulness is eternal, established “in the very heavens”, v. 2. If mortal power or Satanic cunning could somehow cause God to be untrue to His Word, how miserable we should be! But God’s trustworthiness is as enduring as Himself, James 1. 17. Further, this divine excellence provokes angelic delight, v. 5. It is encouraging to know that in praising God’s worth we are in harmony with heaven. “The congregation of the saints”, v. 5, reminds us of our responsibility to the local assembly, itself an evidence of God’s faithfulness.

Lest we consider God’s attributes mere enlargements of human qualities, the psalmist next emphasizes His uniqueness, v. 8. This is specially associated with God’s blessings upon David and the Jewish nation, “my faithfulness … shall be with him”, v. 24. With us today is the Lord Jesus, Matt. 28. 20, whose name is “Faithful and True”, Rev. 19. 11. Although David failed, Israel failed, and we regularly stumble and fall, our God will not suffer His faithfulness to fail, v. 33. From first to last, salvation depends entirely upon Him. Away for ever with the lie that makes eternal security rest one iota upon human works! Alas, Israel did backslide, vv. 38-48, but even amidst defection the psalmist’s appeal is to God’s unchanging promises, v. 49.

Thus we can make the Lord’s faithfulness the subject of our praise, v. 1, and the basis of our petitions, vv. 49-51.

“Faithful is he that calleth you1’, 1 Thess. 5. 24.


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