This verse is taken from:
Ruth 3. 1-18
Thought of the day for:
28 January 2024

In the book of Deuteronomy, Moses gave legislation regarding the responsibilities of a man towards his brother’s widow. We read, ‘her husband’s brother shall… perform the duty of an hus­band’s brother unto her’, Deut. 25. 5. In this chapter, Ruth, with Naomi’s encouragement, is laying claim to this brotherly obliga­tion from Boaz, who was related to her late husband.

When the reapers had retired for the night, Boaz had chosen to sleep on the threshing floor. He would be fully dressed, and had covered his feet with his long robe. Ruth arrived and she took the place that a servant would often occupy - not at his side, but sleeping cross-wise at his feet and taking part of the robe to cover herself. This may seem strange to us but, in those days, there was no sense of impropriety involved but simply laying claim to the right of protection. Boaz awoke and was surprised to find a woman at his feet but, upon hearing Ruth’s petition, he called her ‘a virtuous woman’ and agreed to take the kinsman’s part and to redeem her for himself.

There is so much in this beautiful story that matches our own experience of the Lord and His attitude towards us. First, there is the matter of kinsmanship. In order to redeem us, the Lord had to become our kinsman. We read, ‘God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law’, Gal. 4. 4, 5. Secondly, there is the position of favour that Ruth enjoyed through her links with Boaz as his bride. It was in the purposes of God from all eternity that His Son should have a bride by His side, and the whole purpose of His coming was to redeem that bride by His blood, to share His love for all eternity. Naomi too was blessed, but it was Ruth who occupied the place of nearness and affection in the heart of Boaz. Israel has blessings which will accrue to her through Christ as King, but the favour of being His bride belongs to the church. Bride of the Lamb, there is for thee,

One only safe retreat,
Where Jesus is thy heart should be,
Thy home at His dear feet.

[Mrs. Thomson]


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