This verse is taken from:
Psalm 115
Thought of the day for:
25 November 2023

There is one thing that we cannot exaggerate, the infinite greatness and glory of God. Despite Israel’s waywardness, there were always some among them, maybe a very small remnant, who exulted in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Of Him David said, “Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; and his greatness is unsearchable”. This psalm contrasts Him with the helpless idols of mankind. True Israelites had no molten or graven image, so the pagans taunted them saying, “Where is now their God?” When our longsuffering God refrains from executing summary judgment, the wicked will say, “Where is your God now?”. One reply is, “Where is your God now—if indeed you have one?”, 1 Kings 18. 27. The psalmist replies, “our God is in the heavens”. He is far beyond the reach and the influence of earth-dwellers below, although still accessible to the humble. “He hath done whatsoever he hath pleased”: he is sovereign in all His ways, not to be called to account by any of His creatures. He is contrasted here with idols (gods) that cannot speak, see, hear, smell, work or walk. Our conception of God is certainly far too small. Since God is so great and His understanding is infinite, He is to be trusted and relied upon absolutely. There are three calls to put trust in Him.

  1. “O Israel, trust thou in the Lord”, v. 9. This is an appeal to the whole nation. They took the name Israel (a prince with God) given to Jacob by God, when he ceased relying on his own strength and cunning, when he clung to God alone. God became his help and shield, and then the help and shield of the nation,
  2. “O house of Aaron, trust in the Lord”, v. 10; this is a call to the priests, descended from Aaron. They had the high and holy privilege of serving God by offering sacrifices, and also of teaching their countrymen the commandments of God.
  3. “Ye that fear the Lord, trust in the Lord”, v. 11. All the nation professed to fear the Lord, but this has in view not those who merely professed allegiance to the only true God, but those who had a reverent regard for Him and so kept His commandments. We should ask, “Do I?”.

“Ye believe in God, believe also in me”, John 14. 1.


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