This verse is taken from:
Psalm 119. 7, 62, 75, 106, 160, 164
Thought of the day for:
14 April 2023

There are words which recur often in this “Psalm of the Law”, e.g., “word” (23 times); “law” (25 times); “saying, sayings” (19 times); commandments” (22 times); “statutes” (21 times); “testimony” (22 times); “precepts” or “injunctions” (21 times); “judgments” or “ordinances” (23 times). Six times the judgments are referred to as “righteous judgments”. In verse 7, the psalmist knows that he has not yet attained to a complete knowledge of God’s will, but he gives thanks for every advance; the will to obey, “to keep thy statutes”, v. 5, is the condition of progress. It is those who do His will who shall know of the doctrine, John 7. 17.

Throughout the psalm, he prays repeatedly for teaching and direction. The learning of God’s righteous dealings leads to praise, but begins with a teachableness of spirit. The psalmist will praise at midnight, v. 62. There were others who did this, and did so when they were in the most uncongenial of circumstances, Acts 16. 5. Far from forgetting God’s law, he will interrupt sleep with thanksgiving, and again the ground of his praise is God’s righteous dealings. It is when we allow the voice of praise to be silent that we give Satan the victory.

There were times when the psalmist experienced chastisement in accordance with God’s righteous dealings, v. 75. “Thy judgments are righteous” R.V.; (literally, “righteousness”). All God’s laws are in conformity with the perfect standard of His righteousness; faithfulness to His covenant leads God to use the discipline of chastisement to teach men obedience to these laws.

The visitations of God are right, whether we know it or not; but it is well for us if we know it. Recognizing the Source of such affliction, v. 107, the psalmist pledges himself to keep God’s righteous judgments, v. 106. When we make solemn promises such as these, they should be speedily performed.

God is true to His word, v. 160. If the psalmist reckons up all God’s words of commandment or promise, their sum total is truth, and His righteous dealings are forever. Not morning and evening only, but again and again each day the psalmist thanks God for His righteous guidance, which is a fountain of peace inexhaustible, vv. 164, 165.


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