This verse is taken from:
Psalm 45
Thought of the day for:
15 April 2023

The prayer with which Psalm 44 ends, “rise for our help”, receives its answer here in verses 3-5. The song is said to be “A song of loves”, a very refreshing thing in a world of lusts. Much is called love which should be very differently described. Verses 6, 7 are quoted in Hebrews 1. 8, 9 as applying to Christ. The mighty king of the previous verses of the psalm is now adored as God, and both psalm and Epistle concur in this. The words apply directly to the Lord Jesus, and declare His Deity and the eternal nature of His kingdom. In “Thy throne, O God”, He is acknowledged as the living and true God; the Epistle quotes the verses so as to set forth the unapproachable glory of Him who is the express image of God in His own Person. “O God” asserts His Deity, but “thy fellows” indicates His Humanity. Here we have the twofold nature of the same Blessed Person. Further, here Christ is man’s Fellow; in Zechariah 13. 7 He is God’s Fellow.

Then the words declare the eternal nature of His kingdom. Whatever may be shaken by storms, the foundation of that throne stands fast. It is God’s throne, and therefore righteous altogether. What a mercy for us that our Saviour is God, for who but God could execute the work of salvation? What comfort there is in the fact that He reigns on the throne which will never pass away. Could Christ cease to reign, we should cease to be blessed; were He not God and therefore eternal, this must be the case. His royalty is a royalty of righteousness, “the sceptre of thy kingdom is a right sceptre”. He is the lawful Monarch of all things that exist. His rule is founded in right, “Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest iniquity”.

Righteousness is the very basis and animating principle of His rule. He is not neutral in the great conflict between right and wrong. He loves righteousness, and His protection is over all those who love it and seek after it. He hates wickedness, and therefore He is against it wherever it is found. What qualifications for a Sovereign! To be like Christ, we must love righteousness as He loved it, and hate wickedness as He hated it. The dominion of perennial righteousness is also that of unparalleled gladness, v. 7. His gladness flows from His righteousness.


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