This verse is taken from:
Acts 4. 1-12
Thought of the day for:
12 September 2024

The term ‘stone’ is often used in the scriptures to refer to the Person and work of Messiah. It indicates His strength, reliability and stability. First mentioned in Genesis chapter 49 verse 24, the stone is described as the Shepherd of Israel, an unmistakable ref­erence to the One who shall feed His flock like a shepherd.

In Isaiah, we have Him represented as a foundation stone laid by God in Zion, tried by Him and found to be a precious cornerstone. And, because He is such a sure foundation, those who believe on Him shall not be ashamed, Isa. 28. 16. Peter, quoting this verse, reminds us that Christ is precious only to those who now believe on Him and who have thus become liv­ing stones, 1 Pet. 2. 5-7.

When this One came to His own, the Jewish nation, they received Him not, for they saw only His meekness and lowliness and He became a stumbling stone and a rock of offence to them. And, being disobedient, they stumbled at the word, the scrip­tures which spoke clearly of His sufferings and the glory that follows. They therefore denied the Holy One and the Just and desired a murderer to be granted unto them, Acts 3. 14.

Centuries before Christ came, the book of Psalms predicted His rejection by the leaders of the nation, and prophesied that He would become the head of the corner, Ps. 118. 22. The Saviour quoted this psalm in the parable of the householder, Matt. 21. 42. He knew how the leaders of the nation were going to reject Him, yet He was assured that God would vindicate Him in making Him the head of the corner. Therefore, to the church, He is the chief corner stone, in whom the whole building grows to a holy temple in the Lord, Eph. 2. 20, 21.

To the Gentile powers at the time of His return in glory, the Lord Jesus will be the stone cut out without hands which will smite and destroy all the world kingdoms at the time. This very same stone will become a great mountain and will fill the whole earth, and will thus establish a kingdom that shall never be destroyed, Dan. 2. 44, 45. To those who refuse to believe on Him He will be a crushing stone when they will face Him in judgement, Matt. 21. 44.


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