They forsook all, and followed him

This verse is taken from:
Luke 5. 1-16
Thought of the day for:
24 March 2025

In today’s section, we have two miracles of the Lord, both introduced with the words ‘and it came to pass’, vv. 1, 12. The first is a nature miracle, the second, a healing miracle. Twice we read of people coming to hear Him; this is what led to the first miracle, v. 1, and it is what resulted from the second, v. 15.

The first miracle culminated in the Lord telling Simon Peter, ‘From henceforth thou shalt catch men’, v. 10, showing that the Lord saw the fishing which had just taken place as picturing the work of soul-winning. Thus it affords us some lessons.

Despite a night of failure, they were washing their nets, v. 2, with the purpose of going out again. Likewise we should not give up if we have not seen any visible results from our efforts.

Just as Simon made his boat freely available to the Lord, v. 3, we, and all we have, should be available to Him for His use.

The Lord could produce a catch when the circumstances were not favourable, v. 4, and He can save souls today in what appear to be the most unfavourable of conditions.

Simon was happy to ‘let down the net’, v. 5, because he had the Lord’s word for it. We too should depend only on His word, and be obedient to it, as we seek to win others for Him.

The co-operation between the fishermen, v. 7, pictures the need to work together in the winning of souls.

The great catch that the Lord used Simon to bring in did not cause pride; rather, it made him see his own unworthiness, vv. 8, 9. So it should be with us - if He uses us for blessing we should be humbled that He would deign to work through us.

In the light of this, ‘they forsook all, and followed him’, v. 11. Those who get a proper view of His greatness can see all else in true perspective, and they follow Him unreservedly.

Whereas the first miracle involved something which was empty being ‘filled’, v. 7, the second involved one who was ‘full of leprosy’, v. 12, being emptied of it, v. 13. The One who could fully provide the fish (picturing souls) could fully purge the filth (picturing sin). It is no wonder that His fame spread abroad, v. 15!

May we, like them, ever follow Him and spread His fame!


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