This verse is taken from:
Psalm 102
Thought of the day for:
21 December 2023

Even saints can have dismal days, and move along paths of dark distress. The sombre clouds are all listed, vv. 1-11, and these seek to hide the glory of the soul’s prospects. Read these verses again, noting once more the depths of the man’s grief. No cause is given for it; as the title says, he is just “overwhelmed”. No doubt we all have times when we see ourselves reflected here, scarcely knowing what is burdening the heart. The psalmist confesses to having enemies, v. 8, and feels as if his days are numbered, v. 24. We sometimes sing, “Days of darkness oft come o’er me”. However, beyond the shadows of life, there is the glory on which our eyes need to be fixed—the glory of the unchanging God. If verses 1-11 are full of human gloom, then verses 12-22 are full of divine light: “But thou”, v. 12, and again, “But thou”, v. 27. Note the subjects of the soul’s gaze:

  1. The “But thou” of Divine Etemality. “Thou, O Lord, shalt endure for ever”, v. 12. My days consume away, v. 3, my heart withereth like grass, v. 4, my days are like a shadow that declineth, v. 11, but the eternal God is my refuge. He is still there whilst my heaviness lasts, and is there when it ends. The psalmist may think that God has cast him away, v. 10, but in grace He is still there to receive him. But more:
  2. The “But thou” of Divine Constancy. “But thou art the same”, v. 27. At best, we are creatures of change and inconstancy, but “No change Jehovah knows”. Even the great works of the Lord, v. 25, are limited and subject to change according to the purpose of the Creator. Yet the Creator is changeless and ever shall be, v. 7. This word “same” is not simply used adjectivally, as a mere description of God, but as a noun—surely a title of God, the Name that He assumes as denoting His changelessness. See Deut. 32. 39, where “I, even I, am He” is really “the Same”. Follow this by observing Isaiah’s frequent use of the same, though not evident in our English version, Isa. 37. 16; 41. 4; 43. 10, 13; 46. 4; 48. 12; 51. 9, 10; 52. 6. Hear Malachi’s word, “I am the Lord, I change not”, Mal. 3. 6.

In your distress, fix your eyes on Jesus (Jehovah the Saviour), and the things of earth will grow strangely dim.


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