This verse is taken from:
Psalm 4
Thought of the day for:
1 December 2023

What a psalm with which to begin our month’s forward looking exercises, providing us with solid rock beneath our feet as our sure vantage ground. What an octave of melodic notes to confront us on our first day! In this “Genesis psalm” truly Abraham in spirit is here, v. 3, and Isaac too, v. 1, with Jacob, vv. 4, 5, 8, and lastly Joseph, vv. 6, 7. Can you find them here? Let us listen carefully to each succeeding chord so that its strains may rejoice our hearts despite the cloudy day perhaps facing us, or the dark day that we have just completed.

  1. “Thou hast enlarged me”, or “set me at large”, v. 1 R.V., whether or not our day has been restricted and cramped. Is this not true? What broad acres are measured by our redemption, great depths to plumb, heights to scale and areas to explore and possess. Is the Jabez-prayer ours?, 1 Chron. 4. 10.
  2. “Know that the Lord hath set apart him that is godly for himself’, v. 3. Enlarged, yet set apart—what consolation. I am His alone, for He has chosen me—what confidence.
  3. “Stand in awe … and be still”, v. 4. Here is the necessary pause-note in our melody. Halt and reflect; wonder and worship. In view of these certainties, read Psalm 46. 10.
  4. “Put your trust in the Lord”, v. 5. In the light of the foregoing, should we not do this? The day will be different in the light of faith. If this injunction is obeyed, sacrifices will be made, v. 5a.
  5. “Lord, lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us”, v. 6. Was this not Israel’s portion?, Num. 6. 24-26; and is it not ours? This will disperse shadows and lighten the way.
  6. “Thou hast put gladness in my heart”, v. 7. Then are we sad? This sixth chord is but the grand flute of the anthem to be sung “double forte”. Yet there is a sequel of peaceful rest.
  7. “In peace will I both lay me down and sleep”, v. 8 R.V.; this is a calm epilogue with verses 1-7 as a pillow; a soft “Amen” at the end of a day’s walk with God. Maclaren translates, “lay me down and sleep at once”. So another lap of life’s pilgimage may end with the golden sunset of a pianissimo of rest. Then we can say, “I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the Lord sustained me”, Psa. 3. 5.

Is this the new song in my heart and on my lips?


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