This verse is taken from:
Psalm 24
Thought of the day for:
3 December 2023

Our psalm is primarily millennial, cf. Isa. 2. 1-3, yet in grace its principles are appropriate now for our application.

Yesterday’s psalm warmed our hearts with the prospect of our eternal entrance into that holy place, but what about our practice of it now? Verses 3-6 show our going up into the hill of the Lord as a present spiritual experience. Because the Lord has gone up already in ascension, we may enter now: “Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest… let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith”, Heb. 10. 19-22. Is this the real aspiration of our hearts? These verses give the way of our approach. The steps leading to the sanctuary demand:

  1. An Ascent, v. 3. The soul needs to leave the earth level and seek the pure atmosphere of the heavenlies; see Matt. 6. 6. The intrusions of earth must be deliberately left behind; worship must be on “one of the mountains”, Gen. 22. 2.
  2. It is “Hill Territory”, v. 3. This is characteristic of the divine presence; cf. Psa. 2. 6; 15. 1; 68. 15; 87. 1; Isa. 2. 2. It demands purpose of soul, energy of spirit, and effort of mind. The “hill country of Judaea” is the place where wonderful things are heard and learned, Luke 1. 39.
  3. It is a Place of Great Sanctity, v. 3. This holy place debars defilement. How the priests of old had to wash carefully before entering. The laver was much in use. Hence,
  4. Strict Requirements are Demanded of those who stand there, v. 4: clean hands, pure hearts, humble spirits, circumspect lips. “This is (and must be) the generation of them that seek him”, for holiness becomes His house. It is here, of course, that real blessing is received.
  5. The Encouragement to Draw near. He who desires our entry is “the God of Jacob”, v. 6 R.V. How gracious is our holy Lord; how He welcomes us. He Himself “by the blood of Jesus” has opened the way in and bids us, the most unworthy yet cleansed, to enter with boldness. The Forerunner has entered for us, Heb. 6. 20; then let us not refrain from entering. If our eye is truly on heaven, then our heart will surely seek the holy place.

It is our right and privilege to enter as priests.


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