This verse is taken from:
Psalm 77
Thought of the day for:
13 December 2023

Though our hopes and prospects are bright, the world within us can often be dark. At such times, today’s psalm can be encouraging and inspiring. Others before us have been in a similar condition, and have found an answer. The psalm is “after the manner of Jeduthun”, R.V., that is, “the worshipper”. It is encouraging to find soul-complaint and soul-distress in such a psalm.

  1. The Psalmist Looks Within, vv. 1-3. His day was troubled and his night distraught, “my hand was stretched out and slacked not”, R.V. His burden is not specified, so it could include ours. Note the intensity: “refused to be comforted”, “I moaned (was troubled)”, “I complained”, the “spirit overwhelmed”. He sought Adonai, the Almighty Ruler, and was conscious of being heard, v. 1. After this comes inward confession.
  2. He Looks Back, vv. 4-6. Thus he calls to mind the ancient times reflecting on the ways of God with men. Then he thinks upon his own past, v. 6, when days seemed brighter, when he could even sing in the night. This troubles him, v. 4, and he is agitated to speechlessness. Following this,
  3. He Looks Up, vv. 7-19. Can his sustained trouble be attributed to God?; has He cast him off?; has He ceased to show favour?; is His mercy at an end?; has His promise (His holy word) failed?; has He forgotten grace?; has anger closed mercy’s gates? Momentarily he chides himself. Nay, “This is my infirmity”, my malady. Infirmity is in us, never in Him! Then he recalls the years of God’s right hand, His works and wonders, His greatness, mighty redemption and universal creator-control and His faithfulness revealed therein. As he mediates, he learns (i) “Thy way is in the sea”, v. 19. So His footsteps are untraceable, His ways past finding out. He also learns (ii) “Thy way … is in the sanctuary”, v. 13. God’s ways may be beyond our tracing, but not beyond our trusting, for they are always in accord with His holiness and can be understood only in the holy place.
  4. He Looks On, v. 20. Amidst his burdens and queries, he sees a faithful Shepherd leading His people on. This verse is truly the answer to his doubts in verses 7-9.

Let us stop fretting and start following; the Lord is ahead.


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