This verse is taken from:
Psalm 16
Thought of the day for:
17 October 2023

Both Peter and Paul quote from Psalm 16 in their preaching, Acts 2. 25-28; 13. 35. Furthermore, they both interpret the latter section of the psalm as referring to the resurrection and exaltation of Christ. Verses 8-11 find their adequate realization only in the risen Christ Himself. Some view His resurrection as a fraud-, others as mere fancy or even fable, but the hundred or more references in the N.T. affirm it to be a fact, and that a fact of history. In addition, the resurrection is the fulfilment of prophecy, Psa. 22. 21, 22; Jonah, Matt. 12. 40, and is the very foundation of Christianity, 1 Cor. 15. 16-20. The resurrection of Christ is attributed to the Persons of the Godhead: the Father, Rom. 6. 4; Col. 2. 12; the Son, John 10. 18; Luke 24. 6, 7; the Holy Spirit, 1 Pet. 3. 18; Rom. 8. 11.

In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul speaks much of Christ’s resurrection. In the opening verses he emphasizes its power, vv. 1, 2; its promise, vv. 3, 4, and its proof, vv. 5-11.

The resurrection of Christ is affirmed in each of the four Gospels, and is at the very heart of the preaching of the apostles in The Acts. This truth was presented fearlessly by the early Christians, despite antagonism and opposition from many quarters. Certainly it is a fact for faith. Yet Paul tells Timothy, “Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead”, 2 Tim. 2. 8 R.V. It is not only important to believe the fact of the resurrection but also constantly to call to mind the Person who has been raised from the dead, even Jesus Christ. We are to exercise our minds in thinking about Him, and to realize in our hearts that He has conquered even death. Paul’s earnest desire was to be in the good of knowing Him and “the power of his resurrection”, Phil. 3. 10. The early Christians certainly believed that Jesus was alive. They saw in His resurrection the fulfilment of O.T. prophecy and verification of His own claims, John 2. 19; 10. 18. It transformed a disillusioned and disappointed group of men into fearless witnesses to His saving power.

Like David in Psalm 16, we rejoice in (i) thetruth of the resurrection, (ii) thetriumph of the resurrection, and (iii) the testimony of the resurrection.


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