This verse is taken from:
Psalm 132
Thought of the day for:
31 October 2023

In this psalm the Davidic promises are fulfilled in Christ, and following on from yesterday we see that His reign will be a Time for Restoration, which is expressed in three ways:

In Covenant, v. 11. The certainty of the promise is stressed in the fact that the Lord has sworn, and that in truth. But added to this is the name by which God calls Himself here, namely, Jehovah, the God who makes the promises and keeps them. The Hebrew word translated Jehovah implies a God that continues and never ceases, both in being, and in action. God will not turn from it as verse 11 states, and the word of the Lord is sure and powerful. “The fruit of thy body will I set upon thy throne”.

In Choice. God’s choice is Zion, which is to be His habitation, v. 13. This is His rest, v. 14, for He has desired it. Why did God ever choose us? We cannot understand, but we can believe this and worship Him, giving Him our lives in service and devotion. He rests in those who rest in Him. “Jesus, I am resting, resting, in the joy of what Thou art. I am finding out the greatness of Thy loving heart.”

In Care. In verses 15, 16 we see provision, the satisfaction of the poor with bread, and the clothing of the priests with salvation. Notice that the provision is bread, a necessity of life, so we have to learn in this life that God only promises the necessities of life; luxuries are things that the world seeks after. No doubt we have all learnt from bitter experience in the past that the luxuries of the world do not satisfy.

The priests are clothed in salvation in contrast to His enemies who are clothed in shame, v. 18. The sinner is naked before God, and needs to be clothed in righteousness, Zech. 3. 4. Our salvation is like the clothes that we wear—it should show clearly. Many people are assessed by their appearance, and therefore some are judged by the clothes that they wear. Let our salvation, and therefore Christ Himself, show through us, that others may see Him.

There will be no second death for those who partake in the first resurrection.


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