This verse is taken from:
Psalm 10
Thought of the day for:
30 October 2023

God holds the key. Today we consider thoughts from four psalms, namely Psalms 10, 29, 47, 72.

Time for Recompense, Psa. 10. The background of this psalm is the man of sin who precedes the millennial reign, and these references could well be compared with those in Daniel chs. 78 and Revelation 13. The triumphant return of Christ to earth will bring help to the fatherless, Psa. 10. 14, when the arm or strength of the wicked will be broken and all wickedness will disappear, v. 15. The desire of the humble has been heard, v. 17, and equity and justice will be the order of the day as indicated in verse 18.

Time for Renewal, Psa. 29. Such is the might of the voice of the Lord that it will bring about the renewal that will characterize the millennial reign. Seven times the voice of the Lord sounds: “upon the waters”, v. 3; “powerful”, v. 4; “full of majesty”, v. 4; “breaketh the cedars”, v. 5; “divideth the flames of fire”, v. 7; “shaketh the wilderness”, v. 8; and “maketh the hinds to calve”, v. 9.

Time for Rejoicing, Psa. 47. Such a reign of equity and justice can only bring rejoicing especially in the light of the world in which we live today. Why clap hands and shout?, v. 1; because God is a great King, v. 2; because He shall subdue the people, v. 3; and because there is an inheritance, v. 4. Why sing praises to God?, v. 6. Because God is King of all the earth, v. 7; because He reigns over the nations, v. 8; and because He is on the throne, v. 8.

Time for Righteousness, Psa. 72. The righteousness of God is seen in His character, His actions and in all that He is. It is displayed when He judges, v. 2; it results in peace, v. 3; it brings salvation, v. 4; it produces godly fear, v. 5; it brings blessing to those who adopt it, v. 7; it is shown in His dominion, v. 8; it is shown in its effects on His enemies, v. 9; it brings obedience, v. 11; it brings deliverance, v. 12; it brings redemption, v. 14. Such is the catalogue of the effects of God’s righteousness. This is also the great and glorious theme of the Epistle to the Romans: “And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob”, Rom. 11. 26.


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