This verse is taken from:
Psalm 110
Thought of the day for:
23 October 2023

Psalm 110 is another Messianic Psalm. In fact, it is quoted in the N.T. more frequently than any other O.T. passage, and on every occasion it relates to the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Himself used this psalm to prove that He was not only David’s Son, but also David’s Lord, Matt. 22. 41-46. This emphasizes His essential Deity. In fact, verse 1 stresses His Deity, and verse 7 His true humanity. But in verse 4 His priesthood after the order of Melchizedek is established by divine oath.

In Hebrews, the priesthood of Christ is explained in two ways: firstly, after the pattern of Aaron, and secondly, after the order of Melchizedek.

Hebrews 9 is a divine commentary on Leviticus 16; it explains the pattern. The typical detail associated with the Day of Atonement has found its fulfilment in Christ and His sacrificial death. Unlike Aaron, however, the Lord needed no sacrifice for Himself, and His death accomplished what all the repetitive animal sacrifices could never effect.

The order of His priesthood is said to be after Melchizedek, who is referred to in only three places: historically in Genesis 14. 17-24; prophetically in Psalm 110, and doctrinally in Hebrews 5-7. He combines together the offices of king and priest. He is an eloquent type of the Lord Jesus who is the Priest-King, Zech. 6. 12, 13. He has already been saluted by God as a High Priest after this order, Heb. 5. 10, but Psalm 110 looks forward to His manifestation as Priest-King. In presenting Melchizedek, Hebrews 7 shows the superiority of the priesthood of Christ over that of Aaron’s. Not only is He the Priest-King, but He is eternal and therefore so is His priesthood, v. 3, and the value of His sacrifice, v. 27.

Although Christ’s High Priesthood after the order of Melchizedek looks on to millennial times, we can say, “We have such an high priest who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens”, Heb. 8. 1. And He is able “to succour”, 2. 18, sympathize, 4. 15, and to “save”, 7. 25.

Psalm 110 shows that He will defeat His foes when He comes to reign. If He is our Great High Priest, is He also our Lord? Do we willingly offer ourselves to Him now?, Psa. 110. 3 R.V.

“Such an high priest”, Heb. 8. 1.


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