This verse is taken from:
Psalm 19. 7-14
Thought of the day for:
30 January 2023

“The words of wise men are heard in quiet”, Eccles. 9. 17; this is true in all study, but especially when reading the words of Him “who of God is made unto us wisdom”, 1 Cor. 1. 30.

Diligence in the daily task and in the Lord’s service is expected from all who belong to Him who untiringly served others in His holy sojourn on earth. But He often withdrew from the crowds, and even from most or all of His disciples so as to be alone in prayer, Matt. 14. 23. He often taught them by calling them to be alone with Him, Matt. 13. 36; Mark 6. 31.

There is no substitute for the quiet time. Without it, there will be impoverishment of spirit, for which no spiritual activity can be a substitute.

It was while the dew was on the ground that the bread from heaven was to be gathered daily, Exod. 16. 21. David, the sweet psalmist of Israel, knew the value of sitting before the Lord, 1 Chron. 17. 16. Daniel had valuable companions in testimony, but he alone saw the vision, Dan. 10. 7. Isaac went out into the field to meditate, Gen. 24. 63.

In Psalm 1, it is the meditation in the Word that causes roots to deepen, leaves to be unfading, and fruit to abide. And whatsoever the godly man does in his activities prospers. Joshua is personally urged to meditate in the Book, for then, as leader, he shall have good success, Josh. 1. 8.

The Shepherd leads by the still (quiet) waters, so that the sheep may both enjoy the green pastures and ruminate, Psa. 23. 2. The fiery prophet needed the still small voice to quieten his soul, 1 Kings 19. 12. “Commune with your own heart … be still” is the psalmist’s advice, Psa. 4. 4, so that he could add, “I have … quieted myself’, 131. 2.

This quiet time is not a mindless vacuum, but an active consideration of our beloved Lord, Heb. 3. 1; 12. 3. It is a sitting at His feet, like Mary. Afterwards, she joined Martha in useful service, but “that good part” of quietly listening shall not be taken away. In fact, it enhanced her service, Luke 10. 39-42. Mary would agree with the psalmist when he affirmed, “my meditation of him shall be sweet”, Psa. 104. 34.

Accompanying the meditation of the heart, the words of the mouth will express worship and prayer, Psa. 19. 14.


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