This verse is taken from:
Psalm 80
Thought of the day for:
25 October 2023

The primary reference in this psalm is to Israel in her national recovery through the imagery of the vine, and consequently pointing to Christ, the True Vine. The Jewish custom was that the master of the feast should place at his right hand the person whom he loved best, and then he would lay his right hand on his friend as a testimony of his regard for him. Thus a picture is formed of the relationship between God and Christ, the Man at His right hand. It is a place of power, privilege and preeminence. There are a number of references in the N.T. to this position of Christ at the right hand of God, and many of them occur in the Epistle to the Hebrews. Some references are solely about Christ Himself, while others deal with the blessings that believers receive.

For Christ

with respect to:

  • His Death, “when he had … purged our sins”, Heb. 1. 3; “after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever”, 10. 12. The emphasis here is on His finished work.
  • His Resurrection, “yea rather, that is risen again”, Rom. 8. 34; “when he raised him from the dead”, Eph. 1. 20. At God’s right hand we find security in Him, and also we see His mighty power in resurrection. He is far above all.
  • His Exaltation, “Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted”, Acts 2. 33. In his witness to the resurrection of Christ, Peter pointed to the fact of His exaltation—made both Lord and Christ, v. 36.
  • His Priesthood, “We have such an high priest, who is set on the right hand”, Heb. 8. 1, in contrast to the earthly priesthood, showing that Christ is the superlative in all things.
  • His Pre-eminence, Heb. 1. 13. We see the inferiority of the angels as compared with Christ, and His pre-eminence over the world. How can we love the world which is only His footstool?

For Believers

  • Our Consolation. Acts 7. 55, 56 shows the vision of the martyr Stephen as he pays the price for his faithfulness to Christ.
  • Our Consecration, Col. 3. 1. We seek those things which are above, where Christ sits on the right hand of God.
  • Our Cheer, Heb. 12. 2. We look unto Jesus as we run the race that is set before us.

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