This verse is taken from:
Psalm 97
Thought of the day for:
16 April 2023

That “The Lord reigneth” should cause us to rejoice. The psalmist certainly sees it as a solid reason for joy. If God reigns, the earth should rejoice. In this fact there is rest and hope. We may not always understand His ways, for “Clouds and darkness are round about him”. We are looking at the methods of God’s judgment, and the phrase indicates that they are mysterious. “Clouds and darkness” do not belong to the divine nature, but are characteristic of divine movements: “God is light, and in him is no darkness at all” “Thy way is in the sea, and thy path in the great waters, and thy footsteps are not known”, Psa. 77. 19.

Then, again, His methods are founded upon the strictest justice: “righteousness and judgment are the habitation of his throne”, i.e., the foundation of His throne. “Righteousness” and “judgment” are related as the attribute is to the act. Righteousness is the essential perfection of the divine Being; it is His nature. If there had been no creatures for Him to govern, He would still have had an unchangeable and invincible love of rectitude. Judgment is the application of the principle of righteousness in His government of His creatures and their actions. Every aspect of divine conduct is just, regulated rectitude, while judgment cannot err.

It is the consolation of His people to know that His rule is founded on righteousness. Fearful we need not be, for righteousness and judgment are the foundation of His throne. He does not depart from righteousness nor deviate from justice, and in this we can take confidence even in the darkest hour. The psalmist tells us further that God’s methods are powerful, “A fire goeth before him”, v. 3. The effects of His judgment are declared: enemies are destroyed, His glory revealed, His people filled with joy. The underlying reason for this is His holiness; all wickedness is hateful to Him because of the harm it works among His people. Therefore let us learn the lessons and “hate evil”, v. 10. The result will be “light” and “gladness”, v. 11; “Light is sown for the righteous”, i.e., strewn upon his life and way so that he goes forward step by step in the light. Since joy is the portion of the righteous, let them accept it, and make use of it, v. 12. Joy is united with praise of God, v. 12.


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