This verse is taken from:
Psalms 42 & 43
Thought of the day for:
3 January 2023

When the gospel came in power and much assurance to the pagan Thessalonians, it caused them to turn to the living God from dead idols. The order is significant. “The expulsive power of a new affection” turned them around to love Him, to labour for Him and to long for His return, 1 Thess. 1. 9-10. They ate of the living bread, drank of the living waters, heard the living oracles, became children of the living God and living stones in God’s house, and received a living hope. Henceforth lifeless religious formality and carnal excitement would never satisfy. Their springs were in Him, Psa. 87. 7.

Our psalmist recalls the sweet fellowship of past days when he went with fellow-worshippers to God’s appointed gathering centre. Yea, he led them there with joy and praise, 42. 4 R.V. The living God was in the midst, and rejoiced to listen and record their spiritual conversation, Mal. 3. 16.

But now the psalmist is afflicted and away in the northern parts of the land. “Where is thy God?”, the enemies taunt. Ten times he asks, “Why?”.

His naked faith now has nothing outward to sustain it. Hitherto had he been carried along by the enthusiasm of others? No, for as the hart pants after the waterbrooks, so his soul pants after the living God whom he had known before. Why be cast down and disquieted? Is He not the living One of present circumstances? He is the health of your present countenance. You shall yet praise Him, 42. 11. His light and truth shall yet lead you back to your former fellowship, 43. 3. With exceeding joy you shall have the soul refreshing of erstwhile altar-experiences, 43. 4; Heb. 13. 10.

The hand of faith stretches out to grasp the harp of God to tune it to praise, whilst anticipating the time when, gathered around the throne, he and all the redeemed will sing of the worthiness of the Lamb, Rev. 5. 8-10.

“We also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the reconciliation’’, Rom. 5. 11 lit.


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