This verse is taken from:
Revelation 13. 1-8
Thought of the day for:
18 December 2022

In yesterday’s reading we observed two distinct groups of people in Revelation chapter 7. Another two separate groups are found in the verses before us today. The first is ‘all that dwell upon the earth’, v. 8, an expression that is better rendered ‘earth- dwellers’. The thought conveyed is not simply one of location, but of the particular moral and spiritual condition of these people. As the character and the agenda of the Beast become apparent, so he will attract a following of men who are neither deluded nor ignorant of his plans. They entirely support him in his wicked scheme of opposing all things divine, and, with studied rebellion against God, they worship the Beast. Such are the earth-dwellers. They are described as those ‘whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world’, v. 8. Hence they are distinguished from the second company of people, namely those whose names are written in that book.

Scholars have long debated whether the words ‘from the foundation of the world’ are connected with the writing of names in the book, or the slaying of the Lamb. Proponents of the first would cite Revelation 17. 8 as their proof text, and supporters of the second would refer to the parallel idea in 1 Peter 1.1920. The present writer would suggest that it is the book of life itself that is ‘from the foundation of the world’. The book is the divine register of all who have been justified by faith since time began, and all whose names are written therein owe their entry to the virtue and total acceptance before God of’the Lamb slain’. The debate will doubtless continue until we know perfectly in a coming day. Our concern today, surely, is that every reader of this page, and every listener who perhaps is gathered at a time of family devotions, should be absolutely sure that their name is written in that book. The Lord Jesus, in wonderful grace, came from heaven and had His name enrolled in a register on earth, Luke 2.1-7, so that lost sinners could one day have their names enrolled in the register of heaven. He came to be ‘the Lamb slain’ on the cross of Calvary, and He holds the book of life by redemptive right. Is your name written there?


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