This verse is taken from:
Psalm 16
Thought of the day for:
16 October 2023

Psalm 16 is one of the Messianic Psalms, being quoted by Peter and by Paul in the N.T. Both apostles explain it as referring to the resurrection and exaltation of Christ, Acts 2. 31, 32; 13. 35-37. It is one of the psalms with the title “Michtam” meaning “golden”, and has been called “David’s golden jewel”. In it, there is a goldmine of exquisite teaching concerning the Lord Jesus. One such gem relates to the incorruptibility of the Saviour, v. 10. This refers to the period covered by His death, burial and resurrection. In contrast to David himself, Acts 13. 36, our Lord’s body saw no corruption because of His absolute holiness, 13. 34, 35, 37. He is the impeccable Son of God—without sin, Heb. 4. 15; without fault, Luke 23. 14, 41; without corruption, Psa. 16. 10.

He truly is the Holy One who has abolished death, and has brought life and incorruption to light through the gospel, 2 Tim. 1. 10 R.V. His incorruptibility relates directly to His sinlessness. The N.T. leaves us in no doubt that He was sinless and perfect. Consider what was said of Him as follows:

  • Judas—“innocent blood”, Matt. 27. 4.
  • Pilate—“this just person”, Matt. 27. 24.
  • Pilate’s wife—“that just man”, Matt. 27. 19.
  • The repentant thief—“this man hath done nothing amiss”, Luke 23. 4.

Add to this the testimony of the apostles:

  • Peter the active man—“who did no sin”, 1 Pet. 2. 22.
  • Paul the analytical man—“who knew no sin”, 2 Cor. 5. 21.
  • John the adoring man—“in him is no sin”, 1 John 3. 5.

Furthermore, He proved that He was apart from sin, Heb. 4. 15. He Himself could say, “Which of you convinceth me of sin?”, John 8. 46; and Satan also had nothing in Him, 14. 30.

We thank God for the impeccability of our Lord. He was tempted, not to discover if He could sin, but rather to prove that He would not sin. How we rejoice to know that He, the just One, gave Himself for the unjust in order to bring us to God. Having described His holiness, Psalm 16 ends with His exaltation to God’s right hand to experience fulness of joy and pleasures that never end. Because of our union with Him, our joys, too, are full and will never decay, John 15. 11.


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