This verse is taken from:
Psalms 89. 1-6; 113. 1-9
Thought of the day for:
5 January 2023

(1) “Who in the heaven can be compared unto the Lord?”. Consider the glories of His heavenly temple, the myriads of holy angels who excel in strength and who do His commandments, hearkening unto the voice of His word, that do His pleasure, Psa. 103. 20-21. He “maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire”, 104. 4.

The cherubim of His righteous demands, and the seraphim (“burning ones” ) of His holiness antiphonally crying, “Holy, holy, holy”; all speak of His power and glory. But He alone is God, “thou art God, even thou alone”, Isa. 37. 16; 44. 6. He is incomparable in the heaven, so that He humbles Himself to behold the things in heaven, Psa. 113. 6(a).

Moreover, He graciously humbles Himself to behold the things in the earth, Psa. 113. 6(b). He heard the cry wrung from the oppressed in Egypt, and came down to deliver His people, Exod. 3. 7, 8. In due time, His co-equal Son made Himself of no reputation, taking upon Him the form of a servant, becoming obedient unto death, and that the death of the cross, Phil. 2. 7-8. All this was in order to raise up the poor, to seat them with princes of His believing people, Psa. 113. 7; Eph. 2. 6. Even now they reign in life through Him who came to give His life a ransom for many, Rom. 5. 17.

(2) Who is like Him who delivers the poor believing ones from him that is too strong for them?, Psa. 35. 10. These are they who tremble at God’s Word, and make no claim to any merit. They know that the strong evil one can only be met by the stronger One who is able to save to the uttermost, and to keep from falling, for “greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world”, 1 John 4. 4; “when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted”, Luke 11. 22; Heb. 2. 14-15; 7. 25. This is our incomparable Saviour.

Well may we join in the first song in Scripture, when the redeemed were asking, “Who is like unto thee, O Lord … who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders?”, Exod. 15. 11.


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