This verse is taken from:
Psalm 23
Thought of the day for:
24 October 2023

Here is the Great Shepherd because He rose again from the dead, Heb. 13. 20. We must not forget that He is the Good Shepherd, because He laid down His life, John 10. 11, and the Chief Shepherd because He is coming back, 1 Pet. 5. 4. There are so many ways in which this psalm can be enjoyed, but here we shall see how the truths of this psalm affect every side of our lives.

Beneath Me, v. 2, not just pastures, but green pastures and only the best for the feeding of the soul. “He maketh me to lie down”: sometimes we have to lie down in order to look up.

Beside Me, v. 2, “still waters” to calm the troubled breast. The restlessness of the world is portrayed in its art, music, speech, conduct and attitude as if it is looking for something it cannot find. Having Christ, we shall not want.

Leads Me, v. 3. Unlike the shepherds of the western world, the shepherd in the middle east will lead his sheep rather than drive them. A leader must lead. The leaders in the assemblies today must lead and not follow behind.

With Me, v. 4. We may talk about Christ in many places, but when we are in the valley, we talk to Him, for where there is a shadow there must be a light.

Before Me, v. 5. Can we still accept and believe that the Lord is able to feed us in the wilderness? Are we content with the things that we have? Notice where the table is!

Around me, n. 5. The table is in the presence of our enemies. As in the world but not of it, we are surrounded by hostility.

Above Me, v. 5, “thou anointest my head with oil”. Oil to soothe in the heat of the day, and to treat wounds, speaking of the work of the Holy Spirit. It is not a stagnant pool but a cup that runneth over that others may see what I have.

After Me, v. 6. The Great Shepherd leads, and goodness and mercy bring up the rear. This is not an occasional blessing, but a blessing that pursues me “all the days of my life”.

Ahead of Me, v. 6, “and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever”. The path may be rough and narrow, and dangerous at times, but we are surely getting there!

Look to the Son, and the shadows will fall behind.


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