This verse is taken from:
Psalm 33. 12-22
Thought of the day for:
29 January 2023

In the world’s vocabulary, “hope” is a very tentative word; sometimes it is founded upon mere sentiment, and thus it is illusory. Scripture asserts that the unsaved, however optimistic they may be, are without God and hope in the world, Eph. 2. 12. If in this life hope is limited to what is seen, we are most miserable, 1 Cor. 15. 19.

But for believers, “faith is the substantiating of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen”, Heb. 11. 1 J.N.D. The saints of old set their hope in God, Psa. 78. 7, whose promise formed the foundation of their hope for the circumstances of their lives, and for the coming of Messiah. “We hoped that it was he” was the sad confession of two who knew not the One who walked with them on His resurrection day, Luke 24. 21 R.V.

“Our hope is lost”, said Israel in dismay at their sad condition, Ezek. 37. 11. But they could hope in God’s mercy, Psa. 33. 18, for the door through which hope could be regained was the “valley of Achor”, that is, the place of repentance, Hos. 2. 15; Josh. 7. 26. Even if they were prisoners by their own sins, they were prisoners of hope. They could turn to the Stronghold for mercy, Zech. 9. 12. “Let Israel hope in the Lord: for with the Lord there is mercy, and with him is plenteous redemption”, Psa. 130. 7. All this can speak to a backsliding believer.

In New Testament language, we rejoice in hope of the glory of God, because we stand in grace. This hope “putteth not to shame”, Rom. 5. 2-5 R.V., because the love of God has been shed abroad in our hearts. This is the hope of the gospel, Col. 1. 23; of our calling, Eph. 1. 18; of our justification, Gal. 5. 5; and of our glory, Col. 1. 27. Because of this hope, faith and love to all saints are produced, Col. 1. 4-5 R.V.

This hope must be kept alive in the heart continually, and it must be centred in God our hope and not in present circumstances, Psa. 71. 14-15. Thus we shall ever be ready to give the reason for our hope in quiet testimony, 1 Pet. 3. 15.

“New the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Spirit”, Rom. 15. 13.


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