This verse is taken from:
Psalm 49
Thought of the day for:
9 December 2023

The psalm is marked clearly by features of those who live foolishly, v. 13, behaving as if this life were all, never to end, v. 9. Their focus is solely on the accumulation of wealth in which they boast, v. 6, and time seems to be their only consideration, v. 11. They are similar to the “earthdwellers” seen in the Book of Revelation, upon whom divine judgments are to descend. Theirs, whether wise or unwise, v. 10, is the appointment to death, and they will perish, vv. 12, 14, leaving their substance to others, v. 10, with their glory departing, v. 17. At the end of life’s efforts, they are seen meekly shepherded by death to the grave, v. 14. Such “shall never see light”, v. 19, for “there is no morning for them”, Isa. 8. 20 R.V. Life has had earthbound limits, and there has been no prospect beyond what is material; with all their efforts, they remain powerless to effect greater matters, vv. 7-9.

Here and there, however, there are flashes of light that characterize those who live faithfully, called the upright, v. 14.

  1. They live fearlessly in evil days “when the perverseness of those that would trip them up encircleth” them, v. 5, F. W. Grant.
  2. In addition to peaceful ways, they have

  3. prospects of great certainty,
    1. There is for them “a morning”, v. 14. For the psalmist, this probably refers to the millennial glory; see Mal. 4. 2, but for N.T. saints it is the awaking on the other side when death is past,
    2. They can say (with greater light than that of the psalmist), “God will redeem my soul from the hand (or, power) of the grave (Sheol): for he shall receive me”, v. 15.

Let us hold present riches and fame lightly, for we have wider horizons. Live not for time, but for eternity. Present things are temporary, and we are destined for eternal possessions and limitless prospect. The glory that we seek is heavenly, and our assets are spiritual and lasting. Hence we are not fearful but confident when we see others made rich and advancing in station, v. 16. A man’s life consists not in the abundance of the things that he possesses.

Lift your sights to where Christ sits at the right hand of God, and strive for the riches which pass not away.


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