This verse is taken from:
Psalm 150
Thought of the day for:
31 December 2023

The old year has almost gone, for some perhaps a gladsome thought, as the way may have been weary. For others perhaps the year has been a time of great blessing, as great things have been achieved for God. So this year is by now almost history, yet for all of us it is a lap nearer the glory of the Father’s house. Soon the bells will be ringing the old year out and the new year in. Reviewing the path, we can say, “Surely goodness and mercy” have followed us. For this, let us join in the chorus of praise which closes the Psalter. This final Hallelujah Chorus tells us where to praise Him, v. 1; why, v. 2a; what measure to use, v. 2b; how, vv. 3-5; and who is to be praised, v. 6. Whether in the privacy of the holy place or out in the expanse of the firmament, our song should be of Him. In worship or in testimony, we sound His praise. God’s mighty acts inspire us, and His excellent greatness should mark the volume of the song. The varied instruments, undoubtedly used in O.T. service, would induce the utilization of every means of speaking forth His worth.

In this age, when shadows have given place to the substance, surely the deep lesson here for us is that every capacity that we possess should be dedicated to His praise. This would include our voice in song, our lips speaking His Name, our hands in service, our feet readily obeying His call, and the inward unspoken praise of heart and mind. True praise is not measured by the volume, or even the sweetness of sound, but by the sincere exercise of the hidden man of the heart. Hence the apostle Paul writes of “speaking one to another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord”, Eph. 5. 19 R.V.

Praise is often infectious, and when we are seen to be a happy, praising people, others may be moved into singing. Thus the psalmist said, “Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord”. Let us then make this last day a day of praise, and let us enter the New Year with hearts aglow expectantly awaiting the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are people ofprospect, begotten unto a living hope, so may all our aspirations be unto and of the Lord.

“The night is far spent, the day is at hand”, Rom. 13. 12.


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