This verse is taken from:
Psalm 2
Thought of the day for:
19 October 2023

Verses 6-8 emphasize the exalted Christ in contrast with the opening verses, where the nations are seen in all their pride, stubbornness and self-assertion.

The Unshakeable Power, v. 6. Here the “I” is emphatic, and the word “set” means not only placed, but settled, established and appointed, stressing the permanence of the things of God in contrast to the things of the world. Zion was an ancient stronghold that became the city of David, 2 Sam. 5. 7.

The Undeniable Position, v. 7. “Declare” brings with it the idea of giving notice and notifying. God’s mighty weapon is His own Word! “Decree” implies an order, a command; God is still on the throne. The nations may rule, but God overrules. The second half of verse 7 is quoted three times in the N.T. (i) Acts 13. 33 where His manifestation at His baptism is in mind— heaven saluted Him as the Son. (ii) Hebrews 1. 5 links with His exaltation above angels, (iii) Hebrews 5. 5 links with His eternal priesthood. We conclude that this declaration emphasizes the greatness of Christ, and ensures that He is entirely unique. He is begotten in relation to God, and the Firstborn in relation to man. Notice the order in the declaration: “Son … this day … begotten”. The word is begotten, not born. First He was the Son; then “this day” suggests time, and then begotten. Therefore He is the Son before time, and hence there is a stress on His eternal Sonship. This is the point that is expounded in Hebrews 1. 5, where this verse from Psalm 2 is employed.

The Universal Possession. The nations and the earth are His for the asking, thus undermining the power and the authority of all nations of the world. The word “ask” means to ask for oneself, to ask for one’s own use and to ask for a purpose. Thus all God’s purpose and promises will be fulfilled in Christ. The uttermost parts of the earth imply the opposite side, the west as opposed to the east. So much for world domination by the great powers, and so much for the aspirations of would-be world dictators. The possession of the nations and the earth will go to Christ, and He will hold it fast, as the word implies. As He has received, so He promises to share this rule with His people, Rev. 2. 26, 27.

Kings of the earth set themselves; God sets His King.


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