This verse is taken from:
Psalm 68. 14-35
Thought of the day for:
20 October 2023

Here we look at verse 18, which according to the spirit of the text of the psalm, stresses the greatness of Christ and refers to Zion in the expression “ascended on high”. The thought of Zion in verse 18 is set in contrast with Sinai in verse 17. At Sinai, in effect, God descended, put a yoke of the law upon the people and demanded obedience, whereas in verse 18 we see Christ ascending on high, leading captivity captive, and receiving gifts for men.

Heaven High. “Ascended on high” originally suggested the ark Conducted to the summit of mount Zion, but now we see the ark whose antitype is Christ, ascending into heaven. Notice the repetition of the idea of exaltation in the two words “ascended” and “high”. This is not a mere repetition, but the emphasizing of a very important truth—i.e. the exaltation of Christ.

Captivity Captive. These words emphasize both the resurrection and the triumphs of Christ. The cross was the greatest victory of all time—a victory over all our foes and in particular, Satan himself. The campaign is finished, the enemy has been routed, and in Colossians 2. 15 Christ has “spoiled principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it”. The picture given is of a victorious army parading in triumph through a captured city, exhibiting its triumphs and humiliating its prisoners.

Gifts Given. Verse 18 is quoted in Ephesians 4. 8, but with the significant difference: instead of the word “received”, Paul used the word “gave”. There is no contradiction here, but receiving and giving are both part of one grand and glorious action of our Mediator, the Man Christ Jesus. In the context of the psalm, the writer is exalting God in connection with a recent victory, and also thinks back to the deliverance from Egypt, the crossing of the Red Sea, the journey through the wilderness, and the ultimate entry into the promised land. Under the influence of the Holy Spirit, in Ephesians 4. 8 Paul ascribes all to Christ. We are blessed with all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus.

Christ passed angels twice, once in His humiliation and once in His exaltation.


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